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mudcloth pillow

In recent years mud cloth (bògòlanfini) has become a popular textile in Western interior design, fashion and fine art. We'll answer the most popular questions about this beautiful and fascinating fabric.

What Is Mudcloth?

Mudcloth or "bogolan" (Bambara: bɔgɔlanfini; "mud cloth") is a handmade Malian cotton fabric traditionally dyed with fermented mud.It has a significant spot in Malian culture since the 12th century and has asserted itself as a symbol of their cultural identity.

White mudcloth pillow | ObsessedHOME

What Is African Mudcloth Fabric?

African mud cloth (also known as Bogolan fabric. African mudcloth is a traditional Malian fabric that is dyed with fermented mud and plant dyes. Typically the cotton used to make mud cloth is grown locally and an un-dyed, beige color.

How Do I Clean African Mudcloth?

Fill a large container with cool water and mild detergent and mix. Soak the fabric in the mixture for a few minutes and then swish around a few times. Scrubbing must be very gentle and from the wrong side of the fabric. Rinse the fabric in cool water and pat with a clean towel or cloth to remove excess moisture. Hang and let air dry.

You can always find an assortment of high quality hand-sewn mudcloth pillow covers in traditional designs here at obsessedHOME

August 17, 2018 — ObsessedHome Admin

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